The Cleveland Bradley Business Incubator, or as it would become known, CBBI, began as an idea brought to the small business committee at the Cleveland Bradley Chamber of Commerce.  The idea grew and a group was formed to commission a feasibility study.  Once completed, the numbers were the highest the researchers had ever recorded, and a business incubator was on the way.

Ground Breaking

With the help of TVA, SETDD, the City of Cleveland and Bradley County, CBBI opened in August of 2000.  The plan was to be 65% full by the end of the first operational year and 85% full be the end of the second.  But, proving the feasibility study right, CBBI opened with over 50% of the spaces already leased.  100% occupancy was reached in February of 2001 and it has remained there with an ever-increasing waiting list.

CBBI has only grown from that time.  After 4 expansions, CBBI is still at 100% occupancy…and still expanding.  Our latest satellite facility is a collaboration with USDA Rural Development and Cleveland State Community College. 

Details will be coming soon…

Opening in 2000

The newly formed Incubator Board of Directors signed a lease with Cleveland State Community College to take an unused building off their hands.  Relieving Cleveland State of the substantial utility an upkeep costs and taking the square footage off their rolls.  This made Cleveland State’s Vonore and Monroe campuses possible.  It was a win-win for all involved.